Free to Choose

Free to Move

Comment on my mjcassini YouTube channel: "I am a police officer in a large town in Western Australia with a population of approx 32,000 people. We have countless roundabouts and not one traffic light. These roundabouts keep traffic moving and drivers only have to 'give way' to traffic in one direction, so are far safer. Sure, there are minor bumps, mainly caused by inattention or inconsiderate driving, but the number of serious or fatal crashes at these intersections over the past 4 years I've been in this town are zero!"


In most cases (I replied), roundabouts are an improvement on signal control, but I have three reservations: they take up a lot of road space, which may be less of an issue in Oz; they encourage vehicle domination at the expense of pedestrians and cyclists; and at peak times, they can produce unbroken streams of priority traffic. Could filter in turn be the best of all worlds?

Views: 11

Tags: Police, Roads-FiT-for-People, roundabouts, traffic-lights

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