On a Radio 4 programme about Britishness, our PM listed tolerance, liberty and fairness. On all counts, our traffic control system - with its rabid parking controls, inconsistent bus lanes, proliferating traffic lights, totalitarian congestion charge - represents the polar opposite. Harmless conduct is criminalised in a system based on lethal priority rules which defy commonsense, abandon human values, and are enforced without discretion, compromise or compunction.
Added by Martin Cassini on March 31, 2009 at 9:00 —
Weak report amounted to propaganda for the lower limit, especially a section with a councillor from Stockbridge (Yorks), who said average speed cameras had made an "accident"-prone stretch of road safe. There was no presentation of low-cost solutions involving intelligent re-design to encourage civilised conduct. Of course I agree with the need to reduce speeds at vulnerable points, but I question the high-cost, revenue-led standard solutions that are always promoted.
Added by Martin Cassini on March 30, 2009 at 17:30 —
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Eminent Australian QC and judge, Marcus Einfeld, 69, lied over a speeding ticket and is now behind bars for a minimum of two years. Snapped at 36 in a 30 limit, he was concerned about points on his licence. OK, in a sense he is the architect of his own downfall, and as Clive James said, his fall from grace is tragic in the pure sense, but to me it's an example of Lilliputian law bringing about the pointless demise of Gulliver. The news story is…
Added by Martin Cassini on March 28, 2009 at 13:30 —
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Added by Martin Cassini on March 26, 2009 at 20:30 —
1 Comment
A Pattern of Islands, which we read at school, a canoe capsizes about a mile offshore in the South Seas. The two occupants, treading water, find themselves surrounded by sharks. One panics and is mincemeat. The other keeps his cool and swims towards the ring of sharks. They part and let him go. That literary experience served me when I was out one day walking my border terrier (I was about 12). Suddenly, four barking, snarling Alsatians came running at us through a farm gate.…
Added by Martin Cassini on March 23, 2009 at 14:00 —
My main beef with the London congestion charge is that it was imposed before deregulation was even tried, so in my view it is grossly premature. Operationally it's odious too, but that's another matter. Cambridge is plagued by measures which obstruct flow, e.g. a bollard for non-existent pedestrians which turns two lanes into one and causes a permanent mile-long tailback (Coldham's Lane). When I challenged a councillor about this and other examples where simple improvements could ease…
Added by Martin Cassini on March 20, 2009 at 17:00 —
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When it comes to raising the price of alcohol, the government expresses even-handedness: "We don't want to punish the majority for the sins of the irresponsible minority." Why, then, do we have to suffer lowest-common-denominator, one-size-fits-all regulation on the road?
Added by Martin Cassini on March 16, 2009 at 10:37 —
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Boris Johnson’s claim that the all-electric Tesla he borrowed represents clean motoring is rebutted by Oliver Marre in today’s Observer. According to the Carbon Trust, grid electricity releases 0.537kg of CO2 per kw/hour compared with 0.25 from diesel and 0.24 from petrol.
Added by Martin Cassini on March 15, 2009 at 8:45 —
Ask a silly question. Here's a fairly serious answer. There is overwhelming evidence that if children are badly treated when young, they not only suffer emotional damage but
physical brain damage. Conversely, a nurturing upbringing produces beneficial brain chemistry (Oliver James writes about this in today's Guardian.) The neuropeptide oxytocin is the stuff we want. The stuff we don’t want is cortisol. The traffic control system as currently misconceived generates conflict and stress,…
Added by Martin Cassini on March 14, 2009 at 18:10 —
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See Ross Clark's stimulating Times article
here. But like most commentators, he misses the point which Kenneth Todd made years ago and I keep hammering home: it's the rules of the road which turn roads into rivers of death. Restore equal rights and responsibilities, with no priority at junctions, and people will drive according to the context. If the road is clear, they can speed up. If they…
Added by Martin Cassini on March 13, 2009 at 14:30 —
The Standard ran
this about traffic lights by Andrew Gilligan. He quotes me without a name check (maybe the subs cut it). They published my comment, but removed my reference to FiT Roads.
Added by Martin Cassini on March 12, 2009 at 20:30 —
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A good friend of mine live in Staines, where I sometimes stay. Many a time we have poured verbal bile on the moronic system of traffic lights. Funny the way they catch up.
Shared space for Staines
Added by Martin Cassini on March 12, 2009 at 14:00 —
1 Comment
There’s a four-letter word to describe FiT philosophy. K-I-N-D. Filter in turn allows people to be kind to each other. Main road priority, which forms the foundation of the current system, encourages the opposite. If you want to be kind and give way to a fellow road-user who was there first, you will be seen by the vehicles behind you as in breach of the rules, which say you should only slow down or stop for a red light or an obstruction. Slow down for someone trying to cross from a side road,…
Added by Martin Cassini on March 10, 2009 at 20:30 —
Ian has flagged up a couple of relevant articles,
this one about distracting signage, and (shock horror!)
this one about a new national 50mph speed limit to be enforced by average speed cameras. The assault on discretion, commonsense and individual responsibility gathers force. For Ian's (different) view, see Forum.
Added by Martin Cassini on March 8, 2009 at 12:30 —
A review of Andrew Marr’s new series says that Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection gained a life of its own. The idea of solving congestion by natural dispersal is gaining ground. Will it gain a life of its own?
Added by Martin Cassini on March 5, 2009 at 20:00 —
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The corrosive effect of regulation, by Jenni Russell, Guardian Comment, 4 Feb 2009.
Recommended by Angelica. Some quality readers' comments too.
Added by Martin Cassini on March 5, 2009 at 0:00 —
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Roundabouts are OK, but they still have the problem of directional priority, which at peak times can produce unbroken streams of traffic on the main flow and a "need" for lights (to interrupt those streams and enable others to enter). It also means people who arrived earlier have to wait for people who arrive later. Why should they? Could filter in turn (FiT), aka the all-way yield, be the best of all worlds?
Added by Martin Cassini on March 4, 2009 at 9:01 —
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There's a piece about the Ashford shared space scheme
here (back tab to return) ... Is it inevitable that a news report will always feature doubters and detractors? Also they don't address blind people's concerns about shared surfaces. It's only a mini-report, but even so ...
Added by Martin Cassini on March 3, 2009 at 16:00 —
Another specious public-funded road safety ad can be seen
here (back tab to return). What gets me is the way the system puts the onus on
children to beware motorists, when it could and should be the other way round. The first step towards making Roads FiT for People is to replace priority based on status of road, which generates hostility, with equality based on time of arrival, which levels the playing-field and stimulates…
Added by Martin Cassini on March 3, 2009 at 15:30 —
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The road ”safety” ad, where a car driver hits a motorcyclist, is a classic piece of official improperganda. Unwittingly, it illustrates the barbaric rules of the road, which condemn drivers at T-junctions to beware traffic from opposite directions, and to spot a suitable gap. Instead of devising a system in which humans can negotiate safe movement, the unmasked hypocrites of the TCD (traffic control dictatorship) preach safety, but contrive a system in which we must live, die and carry the can.
Added by Martin Cassini on March 3, 2009 at 0:00 —
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