Free to Choose

Free to Move

Boris Johnson’s claim that the all-electric Tesla he borrowed represents clean motoring is rebutted by Oliver Marre in today’s Observer. According to the Carbon Trust, grid electricity releases 0.537kg of CO2 per kw/hour compared with 0.25 from diesel and 0.24 from petrol.

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Comment by Martin Cassini on March 16, 2009 at 12:30
Great, and I defend your freedom to choose and to promote your chosen mode of transport!
Comment by Ian Perry on March 16, 2009 at 12:05
I’m just heading off on a trip to the Netherlands. I am taking a bicycle, by bus and train (including EuroStar) that will tow a suitcase on a special trolley that folds away like my bicycle when not in use. I do not have to worry about parking, weight (I can wheel 60kgs x2), traffic congestion, driving, other road users, aggression etc.
It is another way of travelling, which I wish I had discovered years ago – particularly when I inter-railed around Europe and found myself limited by how far and fast I could walk from the station. With e-bike technology, cycling is getting even more accessible – and the battery for a bicycle requires much less energy and resources that that for a car.
A bicycle and trailer can give almost everyone the personal freedom they require. It’s the car, fear and lack of information that currently limits us – and most more than others...
Comment by Martin Cassini on March 16, 2009 at 11:43
I have high hopes for sustainable energy, perhaps combined with pedal power, to supplant fossil fuels, though of course I can see there are huge related costs. But I'm keen to maintain our freedom to choose personal transport. I'm pro-planet but value my independence, so I'm not anti-car. I want the best of both worlds, and I'm not convinced they are mutually exclusive.
Comment by Ian Perry on March 16, 2009 at 11:26
The emissions from electric cars/the national grid are most interesting. As you know, I do not believe that electric cars can replace our existing fleet (and the expanded fleet we would require for global equity), due to lack of resources and energy - never mind the increased congestion, and the resources and energy needed to maintain and repair the infrastructure. The UK got through a lot of mined salt this winter...

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