Free to Choose

Free to Move

See Ross Clark's stimulating Times article here. But like most commentators, he misses the point which Kenneth Todd made years ago and I keep hammering home: it's the rules of the road which turn roads into rivers of death. Restore equal rights and responsibilities, with no priority at junctions, and people will drive according to the context. If the road is clear, they can speed up. If they see someone wanting to cross, they can slow down. Too simple?

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Comment by Ian Perry on March 13, 2009 at 22:02
OK, but you step out into the traffic first whilst I dial 999.

I know that your way can work. The Dutch guy whose name is rather Dutch has demonstrated this by stepping out backwards into the traffic in the Netherlands. Sadly he is dead now - but not due to this!

The problem is changing habits and I do not see how this can be done over night - not without some re education first - but as car use will start to decline in 4 or 5 years time... should we not just concentrate on a "short-term", quick fix, that allows people to walk and cycle safely (again) as quickly as possible?
Comment by Martin Cassini on March 13, 2009 at 21:16
The current system, based on false priorities and intolerant coercion, is a patent failure. Why not try it my way? You might be pleasantly surprised how well humans respond when you treat them as individuals.
Comment by Ian Perry on March 13, 2009 at 21:01
But the 30mph may simply be there to reduce road noise, that the motorist can't hear above whatever they are blasting out on their CD player. Sometimes though the stereo system drowns out the engine and road noise to everyone...

I'm assuming that in a merry mix, Mayors of London always get priority?

Speed limits need to reflect use/potential use, neighbours and not accident rates - which hopefully will be zero if set to reflect the use.

Not everyone drives at the speed limit - or above it, nor do they drive at safe distances from other vehicles - particularly in Italy and China! Yet there is no law stating that you must be X metres apart from other vehicles. And would a common sense approach to driving stop those who race their friends or join the police force to drive fast?
Comment by Martin Cassini on March 13, 2009 at 20:19
Yes but. If you change the culture by replacing main road priority with natural filter-in-turn, you transform roads from unfit places where drivers insist on their artificial rights-of-way into living rooms where all road-users can merge in a merry mix. Then you don't need limits or coercion or enforcement, because humans will be free to interact in mutual tolerance, as nature intended, before traffic experts threw the priority spanner into the works and started dictating our behaviour on a playing-field that is anything but level. Look at the photos I've posted - THEY plant 30mph limits on empty dual carriageways and de-restricted signs on tiny country lanes. It's THEM wot fucks it up for US!
Comment by Ian Perry on March 13, 2009 at 17:21
30mph is still too fast for most country lanes if you want pedestrians to venture out... 20mph should be the blanket limit - with a HUGE emphasis on driving slower... Roads with a white line, should start at 30mph.

As soon as a motorist accelerates to a speed above 20mph (maybe less) there is no equality, he has total control - at least over cyclists and pedestrians.

Walking through a car park recently, a motorist blew his horn at me as having turned a corner, he found me in his path. I think he was most surprised to have someone stand their ground despite the fact that he was in his metal box... and then walk down the centre of the car parks lane in defiance.I little bit of patience an politeness goes a long way, sounding your horn and impatience has been rewarded, but perhaps now times are changing?

People still accelerate to join a queue of stationary traffic... so a lot of education is needed.

Though things are bad here, in China things are far worse. I'm not sure that they have any rules there - except GET OUT OF MY WAY OR DIE!!

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